Hz, a new work by choreographer Johanna Nuutinen and her artistic team, takes the audience on a deep dive that moves them on a cellular level to the lowest levels of sound waves – into a zone where hearing becomes experiencing. Hz is a commissioned work for Tero Saarinen Company.

‘Noise … is both a thing and a relationship between things.’

Aaron Cassidy and Aaron Einbond, 2013

‘Noise … disrupts the organization of the organs. It transforms the organs into a thousand ears, the ears into a vibrating, fluttering drum skin.’

Marie Thompson, 2012

Water transfers the vibrations of sound much more effectively than air. Soundwaves concretely move the water and all being in the water and made out of water. We are water and of water: on average 60% of the human body is water and before their birth humans spend nine months in water. In water sound quality becomes movement quality. Sound can move, tear, shake and soothe us on a cellular level.

In choreographer Johanna Nuutinen’s work Hz underwater sound pollution acts as a metaphor for a modern world where masses of sensory stimuli constantly surge over and through us creating nervous stress and overwhelming quieter inner signals. Hz brings the viewer-experiencer in the middle of the sound creating a strong kinesthetic, auditory and visual experience through virtuosic dance, expansive visuality and deeply moving soundscape.

Hz is Tero Saarinen Company’s first commission from a choreographer outside of the company. The work is set to premiere at Tanssin Talo’s Erkko Hall in 2022 as part of a double bill featuring a TSC classic – to be announced later. Hz is the second part of a series of works by choreographer Johanna Nuutinen which explores senses and sensory experiences.



I was especially impressed by the ability of the work to evoke powerful mental images.”

“Joonas Tikkanen’s technically complex, but seemingly simple visualisation and Tuomas Norvio’s soundscape are strong elements in the work along with the dancers. Together with the aggressive lighting, the soundscape takes the spectator deliberately close to the pain threshold.”

“It was especially remarkable that Tero Saarinen Company’s double bill, the opening performance of Dance House Helsinki, was so well-rounded.”

Jukka O. Miettinen, HS, 1.4.2022


“The dancing in Hz was top notch. The dancers Elina Häyrynen, Natasha Lommi, Saida Solla, Eero Vesterinen and Riccardo Zandoná were like finely tuned instruments, and every part of their bodies reacted extremely sensitively to the surrounding sounds.”

Annikki Alku, Demokraatti, 1.4.2022


“Hz is divided in parts where various bodily impulses are expressed through the movements of the superbly dancing and intensely present five dancers.”

Kaisa Kurikka, Turun Sanomat 2.4.2022


“Johanna Nuutinen felt like an excellent choice as the first visiting choreographer of Tero Saarinen Company.”

“In the new creation Hz Nuutinen’s movement language feels delicious and enjoyable, the dancers impress.”

“There is a sensitivity in their skin and a deep humanity in the dancers.”

Tove Djupsjöbacka, HBL, 1.4.2022



Johanna Nuutinen

Dancers lead by Johanna Nuutinen

Natasha Lommi, Elina Häyrynen, Saida Solla, Eero Vesterinen and Riccardo Zandona.
Sofia Ruija and Mikko Lampinen as covers.

Tuomas Norvio

Joonas Tikkanen

Mert Otsamo

Jarkko Lehmus

Satu Halttunen